ID Sort descending Name Description Owner/s Homepage Active Remarks Astrometric Accuracy User/s
0 None No group Ofer Yaron Y 5
1 PESSTO Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey. Stephen Smartt
David Young
Ken Smith Y PESSTO officially terminated on Mar 2017, its successor being ePESSTO. 5 39
2 iPTF intermediate Palomar Transient Factory Mansi Kasliwal
Ofer Yaron Y 5 28
3 ASAS-SN All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae Krzysztof Stanek
Chris Kochanek
Subo Dong Y 4.4 18
4 Pan-STARRS Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System Stephen Smartt
David Young
Ken Smith Y 0.9 25
5 SkyMapper The SkyMapper Transient Survey is an optical transient search of the southern and equatorial sky using the 1.3m SkyMapper Telescope located at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. The survey aims to deliver well-calibrated data for high-precision cosmological measurements as well as to explore the diversity of explosions throughout the Universe. Brad Tucker
Anais Möller Y 5 6
6 POSS Puckett Observatory Supernova Search. Northern Hemisphere, Discovered over 379 supernovae since 1998. Tim Puckett Y Active search since 1998. 2 3
7 BOSS BOSS - Backyard Observatory Supernova Search team. Group of 6 amateur astronomers in Australia and New Zealand. Peter Marples
Greg Bock
Stuart Parker Y 134 discoveries as of December 2015. 5 2
8 LOSS Lick Observatory Supernova Search Weikang Zheng Y 5 5
9 DAO_OTS The optical transient spectroscopic follow-up program using the 1.82-m Plaskett Telescope (National Research Council of Canada). Dave Balam Y 5 1
10 XOSS Xingming Observatory Sky Survey Xing Gao Y 5 21
11 LCOGT SN-KP The LCOGT Supernova Key Project is a three year project to obtain light curves and spectra of 600 supernovae. To do this, it has been awarded 2900 hours per year on the 9 one meter and 2 two meter robotic telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope network (LCOGT). The goals of the project include constraining supernova progenitors, studying exotic individual supernovae, and collecting large samples of supernovae. Andy Howell
Iair Arcavi
Griffin Hosseinzadeh Y The LCOGT Supernova Key Project ended in March 2017. It is succeeded by the Global Supernova Project. 5 3
12 RANSSP Amateur supernova searching project: RANtiga Supernova Searching Project (RANSSP), observatory code D03, Italy Grzegorz Duszanowicz Y 5 3
13 CRTS Catalina Real-time Transient Survey Andrew Drake Y 5 5
14 SNHunt The Supernova Hunt Project. This is a project where the public discover SNe in images of nearby galaxies taken by CRTS. Unlike similar public surveys the discovers themselves are given real credit for those discoveries rather than the group taking the images. The project can be joined at Over the past 8 years more than 300 nearby supernova have been discovered: Andrew Drake Y This is a sub-project of CRTS. 5 5
15 DES Dark Energy Survey SN Program Mathew Smith
Mark Sullivan Y 5 1
16 Padova-Asiago Padova-Asiago Supernova Group. Asiago SN Classification program. Enrico Cappellaro
Lina Tomasella
Stefano Benetti Y 5 13
17 OGLE Part of OGLE-IV variability survey dedicated to search for supernovae, novae and tidal disruption events in the selected region of 700 sq.deg. around Magellanic Clouds. Details in Wyrzykowski et al. (2014) Lukasz Wyrzykowski Y Please cite Wyrzykowski et al. (2014, AcA,64,197) and when using our discoveries. 1 8
18 ATLAS The ATLAS project is a pair of 0.5m Schmidt telescopes situated on Mauna Loa and Haleakala in Hawaii (Tonry 2011, PASP, 123, 58). Each telescope is equipped with an STA-1600 10.5x10.5k CCD with 1.86 arcsec pixels giving a FOV of 5.4x5.4 degrees. The first ATLAS unit has been installed on Haleakala and is robotically surveying the sky, covering up to 18,000 square degrees per night with exposure times of 30s. The current observing pattern uses dithered quads across a sky survey area of 4500 square degrees per night. The design sensitivity is around 20 AB mag in two broad filters (cyan and orange). The sky coverage will triple as overheads are reduced and when the second unit is installed on Mauna Loa in 2016. The primary mission for ATLAS is to act as an asteroid impact early warning system and find near earth objects, but in the course of the ATLAS sky survey it will find a wealth of stationary transients and variables. John Tonry
Stephen Smartt
Ken Smith Y 1.5 31
19 TAROT TAROT are robotic observatories that observe with no human interaction. TAROT are two identical 25 cm telescopes F/D=3.4 that cover 1.86°x1.86° field of view on the Andor CCD cameras (Marconi 4240 back illuminated). Locations of telescopes are: - TAROT Calern observatory : lon=6.9238° E lat=43.7522° N alt=1270 m - TAROT La Silla ESO observatory : lon=70.7322° W lat=29.2608° S alt=2347 m The main goal of TAROT is to be always ready to react to a GCN alert. Each image taken by TAROT is croped to extract sub-images centered of known nearby galaxies (z<0.03). Then, sub-images are visually controled to find new supernovae. Emmanuel Conseil Y 5 1
20 LSQ The QUEST Variability Survey studies variable astronomical objects, particularly Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), periodic variable stars, and Supernova. The survey utilizes the 40" ESO Schmidt Telescope at the LaSilla Observatory of the European Southern Observatory in Chile with the new large area QUEST camera, a mossaic of 112 CCD's covering the full field of view of the telescope (approximately 4 x 4 square degrees), built at Yale University and Indiana University. The camera is installed at the prime focus of the ESO Schmidt Telescope and commissioned in early 2009. The Survey is expected to cover about 1/3 of the full sky (about 15000 square degrees) repeated with roughly 4-day candence. David Young
Stephen Smartt Y 5
21 KEGS The Kepler Extra-Galactic Survey Brad Tucker Y Monitoring at a 30 minute-cadence, about 3000 galaxies in 85 day chunks with the Kepler Space Telescope 5 2
22 PTSS PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey, and it is a joint project between the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), CAS and Tsinghua University. The survey utilizes the 1/1.2 m Schmidt Telescope (CNEOST, China NEO Survey Telescope) of PMO, that is equipped with an STA-1600 10.5x10.5k CCD with 1.03 arcsec/pixels giving a FOV of 3x3 degrees. Xiaofeng Wang
Bin Li Y 3.7 12
23 XTSS The XAO (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory) and THU (Tsinghua University) Supernova Survey (XTSS), using the Nanshan 1.0-m telescope of XAO, China Hubiao Niu
Xiaofeng Wang Y 5 2
24 GaiaAlerts Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Simon Hodgkin Y 0.3 6
25 TNTS Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey, and it is a project jointly run by Tsinghua University and National Astronomical Observatories of China, using a 0.6-m schmidt telescope at Xinglong station of NAOC. Xiaofeng Wang
Tianmeng Zhang
Y 5 12
26 ATS The Antarctic Transient Survey is an optical search of the southern sky using the 0.5m Schmidt telescope located at Dome A Antarctica. This survey aims to detect intraday supernovae and variious explosions in local Universe. Lifan Wang
Xiaofeng Wang
Y 5 3
27 ISSP The Italian Supernovae Search Project (ISSP) is the collaboration between the main four Italian groups operating in the extragalactic supernova research field: the CROSS of Col Drusciè Observatory - Cortina d'Ampezzo (Belluno), the MOSS of Montarrenti Observatory (Siena), the MASACAS of Monte Agliale Observatory (Lucca) and the MVSS of Montecatini Val di Cecina Observatory (Pisa). The collaboration aims to create a joint supernova research program that allows to monitor many stellar field as frequently as possible searching for supernova explosions. Fabio Briganti Y ISSP observatory list: Montarrenti - Monte Agliale - Orciatico - Bassano Bresciano - Monte Baldo - Ponte di Piave - Valdicerro - Aurunco - Parco Astronomico Lilio 5 7
28 NUTS NOT Unbiased Transient Survey Nancy Elias-Rosa Y 5 34
29 OOICLE OOICLE is the joint effort program between Impruneta & Montelupo amateurs (ITALY) for deep sky patrolling with focus on SN discovery. OOICLE stands for Observations Of Interstellar Catastrophic Lights Emissions. Equipments: 0.3-m SC +CCD (Impruneta); 0.4m RC +CCD (Montelupo). Paolo Fini Y 5 2
30 DLT40 Sub-day cadence supernova search of galaxies at D<40 Mpc David Sand
Stefano Valenti
Y 5 17
31 EHSSP Eagle Hill Supernova Search Project Douglas Rich Y Small group of amateur astronomers associated with the Eagle Hill Institute 5 1
32 CSP Carnegie Supernova Project Eric Hsiao Y 5 3
33 PIKA We run a Comet and Asteroid Search Program named PIKA after a Slovene acronym, using 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki robotic telescope at Crni Vrh Observatory. Since 2006, the program has been expanded to searching for transients like supernovae, novae and CVs. Blaz Mikuz
Herman Mikuz
Bojan Dintinjana Y List of discoveries: 5 2
34 SUNBIRD Supernovae UNmasked By Infra-Red Detection: In this project we target luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) to uncover dust-obscured core collapse supernovae, using laser guide star adaptive optics instruments such as GeMS/GSAOI on Gemini South and NIRC2 on Keck II. Erik Kool
Stuart Ryder
Erkki Kankare
Y 5 1
35 HSC Transient survey with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Takashi Moriya
Tomoki Morokuma
Masaomi Tanaka
Y 5 5
36 MASTER MASTER Global Robotic Net, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Vladimir Lipunov Y 5 1
37 ePESSTO The Extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey (ePESSTO) Stephen Smartt
David Young
Ken Smith Y 5 28
38 Global SN Project The Global Supernova Project is a three-year program to obtain light curves and spectra of 600 supernovae with Las Cumbres Observatory. These will be added to the approximately 450 supernovae from the first Supernova Key Project, which ran from April 2014 to March 2017. Together this will be the largest low-redshift sample of supernovae ever obtained. The scientific objectives include: (1) studies to reveal the progenitors of supernovae, particularly from early observations; (2) thorough studies of nearby supernovae across all wavelengths; (3) building samples of exotic supernovae; and (4) building statistically significant samples of supernovae for comparison studies, host galaxy studies, rates, and luminosity functions. Andy Howell
Iair Arcavi
Griffin Hosseinzadeh Y 5 15
39 PSH Polish Supernova Hunters Witold Caban
Grzegorz Duszanowicz
Jaroslaw Grzegorzek
Y 5
40 GREAT The ''GREAT'' (GRond-Epessto-ATlas) survey of early superluminous supernova bumps project is a broad collaboration mainly coordinated by members of the GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405), ePESSTO (Smartt et al. 2015 A&A, 579, 40; and ATLAS team (Tonry et al. 2011, PASP, 123, 58; Tonry et al. ATel #8680). We aim to search for pre-peak light curve bumps of superluminous supernovae (e.g. Leloudas et al. 2012, A&A, 541, 129; Nicholl et al. 2015, ApJL, 807, L18; Nicholl & Smartt 2016, MNRAS, 457, L79; Smith et al. 2016, ApJL, 818, L8) in the low-z regime. Targets are supplied by the ATLAS survey with a 2-4 day cadence, and we select our targets based on the presence of a faint underlying host galaxy in the PanSTARRS pre-explosion images. This is because the hosts of superluminous supernovae tend to be compact, star-forming dwarf galaxies with median of M_B ~ -17 mag (e.g. Chen et al. 2013ApJL, 763, L28; Lunnan et al. 2014, ApJ, 787, 138; Schulze et al. 2016, arXiv:161205978). We use simultaneous g'r'i'z'JHK GROND observations to estimate the photospheric temperature of the source from a fit of the spectral energy distribution assuming a black body. In those cases where we find a high temperature (> 20000 K) object, we then trigger ePESSTO for spectroscopic classification. This has the advantage that both the 2.2m MPG telescope and NTT are co-located at the ESO La Silla Observatory (Chile). We plan to report our GROND observations through ATels for those objects with an estimated black body temperature > 20000 K. For those objects that have a lower temperature, we will provide information through the ePESSTO NTT observation management tool. Moreover, we will add a comment for each object on the TNS webpage. Ting-Wan Chen Y 5 1
41 SKYS The Survey in Kiso for Young Supernovae Ji-an Jiang Y 5 1
42 MUSSES The MUlti-band Subaru Survey for Early-phase SNe Ia Ji-an Jiang Y 5
43 TexSNs The Texas Supernova Consortium, TexSNs (pronounced as 'texans') is a group of researchers with Texas connections interested in supernovae. We apply the 10m Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory for spectroscopic classification and follow-up observations of all types of SNe as well as other extragalactic transients (TDE, etc.). In addition, we use other ground- or space-based instruments for supplementary observations, photometry, polarimetry, etc. Jozsef Vinko Y P.I.: J. Craig Wheeler; Members: Bob Kehoe, Howie Marion, Dave Pooley, Robert Quimby, Dave Sand, Jeff Silverman, Jozsef Vinko, Lifan Wang 5
44 JWST-ERS This group is set up to deal with transients from JWST, and in particular from the "First Transients" JWST-ERS program. Avishay Gal-Yam
Lifan Wang Y 5 2
45 Swope SN Survey Swope Supernova Survey Ryan Foley Y 5 2
46 STARGATE The STARGATE (Swift response Transient Astrophysics Research: Grbs AT Eso) collaboration is a comprehensive program to follow up gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with ESO telescopes. The PI of the project is Prof. Nial R. Tanvir (Univ. Leicester). Daniele Malesani
Steve Schulze
Giorgos Leloudas
Y 5 6
47 HETH The High-Energy Transient and their Hosts (HETH) group is specialised in the follow-up and study of astronomical transients, with special interest on GRBs, core collapse supernovae and novae. Antonio de Ugarte Postigo
Christina Thöne Y 5 1
48 ZTF The Zwicky Transient Facility Mansi Kasliwal
Ragnhild Lunnan
Christoffer Fremling Y 1 74
50 ASO Arkansas Sky Observatories specializes in NEO recovery, verification and astrometric/photometric tracking as well as cataclysmic and supernovae events. It is the oldest privately-funded research facility of its type in North America, serving sciences and astronomy since 1971. Clay Sherrod Y 5
51 SCAT Spectral Classification of Astronomical Transients (SCAT) is a transient identification survey utilizing the SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) on the University of Hawaii (UH) 88-inch telescope in the north and the Wide-Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the Australian National University (ANU) 2.3m in the south. Michael Tucker
Benjamin Shappee
Y 5 15
52 AZTEC Arizona Transient Exploration and Characterization David Sand Y 5 4
53 CSNS Corona Borealis Observatory Supernova Search Peiyuan Sun Y 5 3
54 BraTS BraTS - Brazilian Transient Search is a group of Brazilian observatories searching for transients Observatories - SONEAR (Oliveira, MG, Brazil) and OCA (Bilac, SP, Brazil) are the current members. Cristovao Jacques Y 5 2
55 GSNST Global Supernova Search Team is a group of Astronomers to study and search new transients. Members of GSNST are from Canada, France and India. Malhar Raghunath Kendurkar
Cedric Raguenaud Y Global Supernova Search Team (GSNST) 5 4
56 GWAC-ToP ToO Patrol (ToP) project in the Ground Wide Angle Cameras (GWAC) system is dedicated for searching all kinds of optical transients in the sky. The GWAC team is from the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science (NAOC). The GWAC system currently consists of four 18cm GWAC telescopes with FoV 25x25 degrees, two 60cm telescopes ( FoV of 20 arcmins) and one 30cm telescopes (FoV of 1 degree) Xuhui HAN Y 5
57 POTS Based near Gisborne, New Zealand, POTS (Possum Observatory Transient Survey) is a survey of the southern sky with an 18cm f2.8 Newtonian and STL11000M CCD. John Drummond Y 5
58 CRAFT The Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transient (CRAFT) project searches for fast transients (notably Fast Radio Bursts) with the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). Keith Bannister
Ryan Shannon Y 5 11
59 GOTO Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer Joe Lyman Y 2.5 20
60 BlackGEM BlackGEM is a wide-field telescope array dedicated to measure the optical emission from pairs of merging neutron stars and black holes. BlackGEM will be triggered by the Advanced LIGO & Virgo gravitational wave detectors. The BlackGEM telescope will, for the first time ever, construct a multicolored movie of the dynamic and variable Southern skies! BlackGEM will start with 3 telescopes of 65cm diameter, located at ESO La Silla, Chile. Each telescope will be equipped with a 110 Mpix camera, consisting of a single 10.5k x 10.5k CCD, and covering 2.7 square degrees in one go, at 0.56 ”/pix. Each BlackGEM telescope has 6 filters (an optimized Sloan set of u,g,r,i,z) and a wider-band (440-720nm) q-band filter. BlackGEM is designed, built and operated by a consortium consisting of NOVA (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy), Radboud University, the KU Leuven and partner institutes Paul Groot
Nadejda Blagorodnova Mujortova Y 1 14
61 MeerLICHT MeerLICHT is BlackGEM’s sister project and comprises a single BlackGEM telescope. This first telescope system is a prototype for the BlackGEM array. It is coupled to the MeerKAT radio array (a precursor to the Square Kilometer Array) located in South Africa. Paul Groot
Nadejda Blagorodnova Mujortova Y 5 7
62 KSP The KMTNet Supernova Program (KSP) is a high-cadence, multi-color (BVI) transient search program which utilizes the KMT network of three 1.6m, wide-field (4 deg^2), telescopes in Chile, South Africa, and Australia. Maria Drout Y 5
63 ePESSTO+ Continuation of the extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey (ePESSTO), beginning April 2019 Cosimo Inserra
David Young
Ken Smith Y 5 115
64 Tomo-e Gozen Transient survey with 1.05m Kiso Schmidt telescope and Tomo-e Gozen Camera. Masaomi Tanaka Y 5 2
65 TCD Classifications from the transient group at Trinity College Dublin. Kate Maguire
Umut Burgaz
Georgios Dimitriadis
Y 5 11
66 SAGUARO We utilize the Catalina Sky Survey's 60-in telescope, with the 5 deg^2 imager to hunt for transients. Main focus is on multi-messenger follow-up. David Sand
Michael Lundquist
Wen-fai Fong Y 5 6
67 Gattini Gattini J band survey at Palomar observatory Kishalay De Y 5 1
68 DECam-GROWTH Blanco/DECam follow-up of gravitational wave triggers by the Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) collaboration. Igor Andreoni Y 5 1
69 TMTS Tsinghua-Ma huateng Telescopes Survey Xiaofeng Wang Y 5 7
70 FDST FDST is the Fast and Dark Side of Transients experiment (FDST, PIs: Inserra & Gutierrez) uses the Liverpool Telescope (LT, Steele et al. 2004) and the SPRAT (Piascik et al 2014) spectrograph. The main goal of the project is collecting high-quality spectroscopic and photometric data of three types of extreme objects, so far poorly monitored: 1. Rapidly evolving transients; 2. Transients hosted in low-luminosity galaxies; 3. Transients located in the remote outskirts of the host galaxies. Our legacy value is to provide well-sampled panchromatic light curves to train machine-learning classifiers in preparation for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) era. Cosimo Inserra
Claudia Gutierrez
Christopher Frohmaier
Y The Fast and Dark Side of Transients experiment (FDST; ATel #12362) and soon a project astronote 5
71 DESGW The Gravitational Wave group within the Dark Energy Survey. Tristan Bachmann
Mathew Smith
Ken Herner
Y 5 3
72 C-SNAILS The Classification Survey for NucleAr transients with Liverpool and LaSair Matt Nicholl Y 5 1
73 BTDG The Berger Time-Domain Group at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian Griffin Hosseinzadeh
Sebastian Gomez Y 5 1
74 ALeRCE The Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) broker is an astronomical alert broker system designed to aggregate, annotate, classify and characterize alerts coming from different astronomical surveys. We provide early and late classification of events in a hierarchical taxonomy. Francisco Forster Y ALeRCE is reporting very young SN candidates coming from a visually inspected, machine learning filtered version of the ZTF stream, see 1 6
75 GRAWITA The GRAWITA collaboration has the aim of carrying out follow-up observational campaigns in the radio, optical, NIR, X-ray, and gamma-ray bands of the gravitational wave (GW) detector triggers released by the ground-based interferometers network actually composed of the two Advanced LIGO (USA) and Advanced Virgo (Italy). Ground-based facilities used by GRAWITA include VLT Survey Telescope, Large Binocular Telescope, Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Rapid Eye Mount Telescope, Asiago Observatory, Campo Imperatore Observatory, SRT. The exploitation of high-energy space-based facilities is also planned. Enzo Brocato
Stefano Benetti
Lina Tomasella Y 5 7
76 ULL-ASTRO-MASTER We plan to use this TNS group to report the discovery and follow-up of supernovae and extragalactic novae using telescopes in the Canary Islands. These activities are included in the Master in Astrophysics at the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL, Tenerife, Spain) in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Ismael Perez-Fournon Y 5 3
77 UCSC University of California Santa Cruz astronomical transients group Matthew Siebert Y 5 10
78 Swift Swift is a Satellite in low Earth orbit with a Gamma-ray detector, a soft X-Ray Telescope, and an UltraViolet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) (170-680nm). The UVOT field of view is 17"x17". UVOT has a filterwheel with 6 broadband and one white filter as well as two low-resolution grisms. The detector is a photon counting, MCP-amplified 256x256 CCD where each position is centroided to 1/8th of the pixel size (~0.5" sub-pixel resolution). Swift does automatic and non-automatic follow-up of gamma ray bursts, as well as large scale tiling after selected GW events. Identifications of variable non-GRB sources can be reported here when of general interest for follow-up. N Paul Kuin
Michael Siegel
Alice Breeveld Y 5 1
79 adH0cc The "accurate determination of H0 with core-collapse supernovae" (adH0cc) group is based on an ESO Large programme. The PI is Bruno Leibundgut. The project contains a classification programme for SNe in the Hubble flow. All classifications are promptly reported in form of an AstroNote. Stefan Taubenberger
Christian Vogl
Y 5 3
80 DogsHeavenTS DogsHeaven Observatory Transient Search. Paulo Cacella Y Semi-automated search of transient objects. 5
81 SGLF Supernova and Gravitational Lenses Follow-up (SGLF), project to discover and classify supernovae and study transients in gravitational lenses. A collaboration of the Instituto de Astrofisica (IAC), Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), GRANTECAN, Institute of Astronomy of the University of Cambridge (IoA), University of South Carolina, National Science Foundation's Optical and Infrared Laboratory (NSF's OIR Lab) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Ismael Perez-Fournon
Raphael Shirley
Frédérick Poidevin
Y 5
82 AMPEL Astronomical transients reported by the AMPEL real-time transient analysis framework. See Nordin+ 19 (2019A&A...631A.147N) for ZTF selection criteria, completeness and false-positive rates. Jakob Nordin Y 5 1
83 YSE Young Supernova Experiment David Jones
Ken Smith
Y 5 12
84 GLGW Gravitationally Lensed Gravitational Wave Hunters Graham Smith Y 5
85 SIRAH The SIRAH (Supernovae in the Infrared avec Hubble) team is looking to identify young SN Ia for near-infrared observations with the Hubble Space Telescope. Saurabh Jha Y 5 7
86 CHIMEFRB CHIME/FRB searches through data from the CHIME Telescope (400 - 800 MHz) for signatures of Fast Radio Bursts. Thomas Abbott
Andrew Zwaniga
Emily Petroff Y 5 6
87 ZUDS The ZTF Uniform Depth Survey Danny Goldstein
Ariel Goobar
Y 1
88 Decameron Decam Transient Survey Lifan Wang Y 5
89 WTFU Warsaw Transients Follow-Up Nada Ihanec Y Classification and follow-up with various telescopes, primarily of OGLE and Gaia transients (candidate microlensing events and nuclear transients). 5 4
90 VLA-realfast realfast is a FRB and fast radio transient search system at the Very Large Array in New Mexico, USA. Casey Law Y 5 1
91 FRBCAT Archival FRB events from the Fast Radio Burst Catalogue Emily Petroff Y 5
92 DEHVILS The near-IR DEHVILS survey on UKIRT (Dark Energy, H0, and peculiar Velocities with Infrared Light from Supernovae). David Jones
Saurabh Jha
Y 5
93 GBNCC The Green Bank North Celestial Cap (GBNCC) Survey for radio pulsars and fast transients with the Green Bank Telescope at 350 MHz. Emilie Parent Y 5
94 SALT SALT transient classification group. David Buckley Y The SALT transient programme is a multi-partner collaboration for the classification and followup of multi-wavelength transient alerts across many object classes. 5 3
95 SNAD Anomaly detection in photometric surveys Konstantin Malanchev Y 5 8
96 SOS We are Supernova Observations and Simulations, based at Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata (IALP), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) and associated institutions in Argentina. Our aim is to obtain supernova light curves and spectra using the CAsLeo and Gemini observatories. Gaston Folatelli Y 5 1
97 HOLISMOKES The "Highly Optimised Lensing Investigations of Supernovae, Microlensing Objects, and Kinematics of Ellipticals and Spirals" (HOLISMOKES) team searches for supernovae in potential strong-lensing systems. The PI is Sherry Suyu. Stefan Taubenberger
Christian Vogl
Y 5 1
98 REFITT The Recommender Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking Danny Milisavljevic
Kathryn Weil
Y 5 3
99 FLEET Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients (FLEET) is a machine learning pipeline designed to predict the probability, P(SLSN), of a new transient of being a superluminous supernova. Spectroscopic classifications of transients selected with FLEET will be reported on the TNS with their corresponding probability P(SLSN). If you use FLEET to find transients please cite arXiv:2009.01853 Sebastian Gomez
Peter Blanchard Y 5 2
100 StarDestroyers The StarDestroyers Project aims to classify and follow SNe, TDEs and NS mergers. Iair Arcavi Y 5 5
101 AHTS Asteroid Hunters Transient Survey. This survey searches for transients in images taken with a 0.36-m f/2.2 astrograph with a CCD field-of-view of 2.61 deg x 1.74 deg and a pixel scale of 1.97"/pixel. This instrument is located at AHS Observatory, Castaic, CA, USA. MIKE FORSLUND Y Survey started in Oct 2020. 5 1
102 PALFA PALFA is a large-scale survey for radio pulsars and fast transients at 1.4 GHz using the Arecibo 305-meter telescope and the ALFA 7-beam receivers. Emilie Parent
Victoria Kaspi Y 5 1
103 Fink Fink is a broker designed to enable science with large time-domain alert streams. Julien Peloton
Anais Möller
Emille Ishida Y 5 5
104 DWF Deeper Wider Faster (DWF) searches for, and follows up, fast transients (millisecond-to-hours duration) in real-time. DWF coordinates major telescopes worldwide and in space in the radio, mm/sub-mm, optical, UV, X-ray, gamma-ray and ultra-high energy particles to point at the same fields in the sky at the same time to acquire deep, wide-field, fast-cadenced data. Transients are identified within minutes throughout the night and rapid-response and hours-later deep spectroscopy and multi-wavelength imaging is triggered as part of the program, along with later-time wide-field monitoring. Jeff Cooke Y 5 4
105 UTMOST The UTMOST collaboration operates the Mills Cross synthesis telescope in New South Wales, Australia. The telescope is a cross interferometer array with two 1.6 km long perpendicular arms providing a wide field of view along with ~arcsecond resolution. We use the telescope to find and localise Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) and time the southern hemisphere pulsars at a high candence. Adam Deller Y 5 3
106 ALERT FRBs from the Apertif LOFAR Exploration of the Radio Transient sky (ALERT) detected with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. Emily Petroff
Leon Oostrum
Inés Pastor Marazuela
Y 5 2
107 VLITE-Fast VLITE-Fast is a commensal system operating on the VLA from 320 to 364 MHz. Data are processed in real time to search for short, dispersed transients (e.g. FRBs and RRATs). Candidate transients trigger a dump of baseband voltage for offline interferometric analysis and localization with arcsecond precision. Matthew Kerr
Suryarao Bethapudi
Y 5
108 J-VAR Variability survey at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ ), managed by the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA, ). The photometric calibration is based on the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS ). Data reduced by the Unidad de Procesamiento y Archivo de Datos (UPAD) at CEFCA. Alessandro Ederoclite
Héctor Vázquez Ramió
Y 5
109 IMSNG Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies Myungshin Im
Paek Gregory SungHak Paek
Gu Lim Y 5 3
110 RTSG Robotic Telescope Searching Group Salvo Massaro
Roberto Musmeci
Y 5 8
111 Lasair The Lasair / ZTF Transient Broker Ken Smith
Roy Williams Y 5 5
112 POISE Precision Observations of Infant Supernova Explosions (POISE). chris ashall
Lluís Galbany
Y 5 15
113 Kinder The ``Kinder’’ (kilonova finder) project aims to find fast evolving objects such as kilonovae. We use the 0.4m-SLT at the Lulin Observatory in Taiwan to obtain images for new, nearby (< 100 Mpc) transients found by the ATLAS project (Smith et al. 2020, 2020arXiv200309052S). By comparing with ATLAS latest magnitudes, we can track their photometric evolution and seek for rapidly fading events. We will report our host-subtracted photometry from our real-time observations measured by using the SNOoPY pipeline ( to the WISeREP. Ting-Wan Chen
sheng yang
Y Group members: T.-W. Chen, S. Yang (Stockholm), C.-C. Ngeow, Y.-C. Pan, H.-Y. Hsiao, C.-S. Lin, W.-J. Hou and J.-K. Guo (IANCU). 5 5
114 DESIRT This is an imaging survey program for transients out to z$\leq$0.3 with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). The weekly DECam runs are coordinated with the DESI Survey Validation (SV) program which produces spectra of fainter objects than typical operations-phase DESI observations. Lifan Wang
Antonella Palmese
xingzhuo chen
Y 5 8
115 ANTARES Arizona-NOAO Temporal Analysis and Response to Events System (ANTARES) team. ANTARES is a real-time Alert Broker which ingest all alerts from the ZTF survey. Gautham Narayan
Thomas Matheson
Monika Soraisam Y Currently reporting interesting objects from the ANTARES anomaly detection filter. 5 2
116 GEOTS Golden Ears Observatory transient survey. Balaji Kumar Y 5
117 NAOCToO NAOC (National Astronomical Observatories, CAS) ToO team. We appliy the Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope for spectroscopic classification and follow-up observations of optical transients. Kun Xu
Kun Xu
Xilong Liang
Y 5 2
118 PALEO Search for the missed supernovae, classical Novae and dwarf novae on the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) plates. PALEO stands for Palomar Extinct Objects. This is a citizen science project aimed at the checking the whole sky for the transient objects that were observed, but not detected by the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey in the Northern hemisphere and Anglo-Australian UK Schmidt telescope in the Southern hemisphere. Denis Denisenko
Diego Fernandez Ortiz
Filipp Romanov Y 5 1
119 MeerTRAP ERC Advanced Grant funded Commensal FRB searching using MeerKAT. Benjamin Stappers
Manisha Caleb
Kaustubh Rajwade Y 5 3
120 ENGRAVE ENGRAVE is running a Large multi-period ESO programme (Target of Opportunity) on the VLT targeting optical to mid-infrared follow-up of merging compact sources (NS-NS, NS-BH, BH-BH) as well as other gravitational wave (burst-type) events detected by the LIGO/Virgo consortium. We will normally target gravitational event triggers but will also follow-up likely kilonova candidates within the LIGO-Virgo horizon distance if they are independently identified (e.g. by an optical survey). Joe Lyman
Daniele Malesani
Giorgos Leloudas Y 5 3
121 GLO Instrument: 0.4 m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope and CCD SBIG STL-6303E. Address: 6A, Regiment 11 Siret Street, Galati Municipality, Galati County, Romania. Jan-Ovidiu Tercu Y 5
122 CRAFTS Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) is the largest single dish telescope locate south western China. The Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS) was carried out since mid 2018 when 19-beams L-band receiver was implemented. It is a multi-purpose project which can record the Hi and pulsar data simultaneously. This group contribute to find more new FRBs from FAST drift scan pulsar data. Chen-Hui Niu Y Our website is currently shutdown for power off, the official website is: 5
123 OxQUB A joint extragalactic transient group between Queen's University Belfast and Oxford University, that specialises in the optical and radio follow-up of transients from the ATLAS and Pan-STARRS wide-field sky surveys. Stephen Smartt
Matt Nicholl
Michael Fulton Y Currently classifying interesting transients from the ATLAS, Pan-STARRS and ZTF surveys. 5 8
124 DEbass Using DECam on the 4-metre Blanco Telescope, a 3-year program to obtain what will be the ultimate low redshift SN Ia sample for cosmology. Spectroscopy observations are coming from WiFeS on the SSO 2.3m Brad Tucker
Chris Lidman
Dillon Brout
Y 5 1
125 LiONS Lijiang One hour per Night Supernova program based on Lijiang 2.4m telescope Jujia Zhang
Liping Li
Wenxiong Li
Y 5
126 KNTraP We perform untriggered kilo nova searches using day-cadence two-filter optical observations using DECam. We will report other transients such as supernova too. Jielai Zhang
Anais Möller
Igor Andreoni
Y 5 3
127 SwiftXRT Swift X-ray Telescope Phil Evans
Jamie Kennea Y This group will submit X-ray transients found by the Swift-XRT 5
128 Tianlai The Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder Array is a radio interferometer located in Xinjiang, China(Li, et al. 2020), and operated by the National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). In December 2021, a FRB backend that is capable to form 96 beams and process data in real-time is installed. Since then, we carry out a blind FRB search operating in drift mode. (Reference: Li, J., Zuo, S., Wu, F., et al. 2020, Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy, 63, 129862. doi:10.1007/s11433-020-1594-8) Zijie Yu Y 5
129 Moonbase search SN South Moonbase Observatories - private remote-controlled astronomical observatories. MPC code L87 Grzegorz Duszanowicz
Jordi Camarasa Y 5
130 F. D. Romanov I use remote telescopes for astronomical observations and discoveries. Filipp Romanov Y 5
131 STEP The S-PLUS Transient Extension Program uses S-PLUS imaging to search for transients. Charles Kilpatrick Y 5 1
132 DSA-110 DSA-110 is a radio interferometer designed to detect and localize Fast Radio Bursts. Casey Law Y 5 1
133 JADES JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey Christa DeCoursey
Eiichi Egami
Y 0.2 1
134 Hermes_group Group for Hermes LCO
Joseph Chatelain Y 5 1
135 GW-MMADS GW-MMADS: Gravitational Wave Multi-Messenger Astronomy DECam Survey Igor Andreoni
Antonella Palmese
Y 5 4
136 DESI The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will measure the effect of dark energy on the expansion of the universe. It will obtain optical spectra for tens of millions of galaxies and quasars, constructing a 3D map spanning the nearby universe to 11 billion light years. The DESI Survey is being conducted on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. DESI is supported by the Department of Energy Office of Science to perform this Stage IV dark energy measurement using baryon acoustic oscillations and other techniques that rely on spectroscopic measurements. Dillon Brout Y 5 1
137 WL-GW We are carrying out follow up of GW events and other potential multimessenger sources using the Wendelstein Observatory 2m telescope. Antonella Palmese
Daniel Gruen
Y 5 5
138 1M2H One-Meter Two-Hemisphere gravitational wave follow up group Charles Kilpatrick Y 5
139 LAST The Large Array Survey Telescope Eran Ofek Y A wide-field visible-light telescope array, composed of 48, 28-cm f/2.2 telescopes equipped with full-frame, backside-illuminated, cooled CMOS detectors. 1.5 4
140 ULTRASAT The Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Eran Ofek Y A wide-field UV explorer, planned to be launched to GEO orbit in 2026. 5 1
141 WOTS The optical transient follow-up program using the 0.33-m telescope (KAF-3200E + TC-237 CCD) in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Malhar Kendurkar Y 5
142 TRex The TRex (TRansients, extragalactic) group at UC Berkeley with Profs. Chornock and Margutti Ryan Chornock
Raffaella Margutti
Y 5 2
143 GIT The GROWTH India Telescope (GIT; Kumar et al. 2022) is a 70-cm telescope with a 0.7-degree field of view, set up by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) with funding from DST-SERB and IUSSTF. It is located at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (Hanle), operated by IIA. We acknowledge funding by the IITB alumni batch of 1994, which partially supports the operations of the telescope. Varun Bhalerao Y 5
144 STSP Stardust Transient Survey Project Yuqing Ren Y 5 2
145 CET-3PO The CET-3PO is a research group at the Institute of Cosmic Sciences (ICC) at the University of Barcelona led by Nadejda Blagorodnova. The group is Funded by the European Union (ERC, CET-3PO, 101042610). Its research is focused on better understanding the Common Envelope evolution phase in binary stars with observations of Luminous Red Novae transients. Nadejda Blagorodnova Mujortova Y 5 5
146 ILMT The International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) is a 4-m zenith pointing optical survey telescope situated at the Devasthal observatory (29.3617°N 79.685°E), near Nainital, India. It is a declination limited telescope and surveys the 29° zenith sky with a field of view of 22'. Kuntal Misra
Kumar Pranshu
Naveen Dukiya
Y 5
147 SAAO IO The South African Astronomical Observatory's (SAAO's) "Intelligent Observatory" program aims to integrate all telescopes on the Sutherland plateau into one "follow-up machine". Through hardware upgrades and the development of intelligent algorithms, the program aims to enable autonomous operations, responding in real-time to alerts from telescopes worldwide promoting coordinated scientific efforts in the era of multi-messenger astronomy. This initiative aligns with facilitating flexible proposal submissions, observing on various timescales, remote observing, robotically queued observations, improved alert responsiveness, and the streamlined processing of computer-generated observing requests for swift action. io robot Y Members: S. Potter N. Erasmus C. van Gend S. Chandra H. Worters M. Hlakola R. Julie 5 3
148 Euclid STSWG Euclid Supernovae and Transients Science Working Group (STSWG) Takashi Moriya Y 5 3
149 XYO Xingyuan Observatory of Ocean University of China JIARUI XIONG Y 5
150 TRAPUM TRansients and PUlsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) is a MeerKAT Large Survey Project which will utilise MeerKAT to greatly expand our knowledge of the populations of sources which emit at radio wavelengths on timescales ranging from microseconds to seconds. (Stappers et al. 2016) Benjamin Stappers Y 5 1
151 WINTER The Wide-Field Infra-Red Transient Explorer (WINTER) is a 1m class telescope with a 1 sq deg field of view, located at Palomar Observatory, with an NIR camera. Mansi Kasliwal
Robert Stein
Viraj Karambelkar Y 5
152 TNS A group for the internal use of TNS automated services and reports Ofer Yaron
Avner Sass
Nikola Knezevic
Y 5 1
153 COIN The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN) is a worldwide endeavor aimed to create an interdisciplinary community around data-driven problems in Astronomy. It was designed to promote innovation in all aspects of academic scientific research. Emille Ishida Y The group is co-lead by Rafael S. de Souza (University of Hertfordshire, UK), Emille E. O. Ishida (Universite Clermont Auvergne, France) and Alberto Krone-Martins (University of California Irvine, USA). 5 2
154 WFST The Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST), jointly developed by the University of Science and Technology of China and the Purple Mountain Observatory, is the largest time-domain survey facility in the northern hemisphere. WFST is characterized by a 2.5-meter primary mirror and a prime-focus camera with an effective field of view (FoV) of ~ 6 square degrees filled with 9 × 9K × 9K mosaic CCD detectors, making WFST one of the most powerful transient survey facilities in the 2020s. With an atmospheric distortion corrector, its advanced optical design promises a homogeneous and distortion-free image quality that 80% energy of a point source falls within 0.4 arcsecond across the entire FoV. The image quality holds in the u,g,r,i,z and w bands. Ji-an Jiang
Zelin Xu Y 5 4
155 CONGRESS Complete NIRCam Grism Redshift Survey (CONGRESS) Christa DeCoursey Y 0.2
156 AUTOGLASS AmateUr TelescOpes nearby-GaLAxy Supernovae Survey (AUTOGLASS) is a survey based on amateur astronomers and telescopes. We focused on nearby galaxies within 50Mpc. Yiming Mao Y 5
157 TSST_COSMOS This is a collaboration between the Transient Science @ Space Telescope group (TSST) and the COSMOS collaboration. David Coulter
Armin Rest Y This is a collaboration between the Transient Science @ Space Telescope group (TSST) and the COSMOS collaboration. 0.2 1
158 J-PAS J-PAS (Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey) will cover at least 8000 deg2 in approximately 5 years, using an unprecedented system of 54 narrow-band filters, supplemented by two medium-band and one broad-band filter to cover the full optical range. The main J-PAS instrument is a 2.5 m telescope with an effective field of view of 7 square degrees. That instrument has an étendue of about 26 m2 deg2, which is on a par with other state-of-the art instruments dedicated to wide-area astrophysical surveys. The survey is carried out from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre, an astronomical Spanish ICTS particularly devoted to carry out large sky astronomical surveys with two large field of view telescopes, state-of-the-art panoramic instrumentation, and an unprecedented set of optical filters. Alessandro Ederoclite
Héctor Vázquez Ramió Y 5
159 BHTOM Global telescope network for follow-up observations of transients and time-domain targets. Lukasz Wyrzykowski
Pawel Zielinski
Przemysław J. Mikołajczyk Y 5